
Komprise Analysis

Komprise Analysis provides strategic insights into unstructured file and object data across your on-premises and cloud
enterprise IT infrastructure:

  • komprise-analysis-overview-white-paper-THUMB-3Analyze across all your NAS, NFS, SMB, dual shares, as well as cloud storage.
  • See how much data you have, how fast it is growing, what is hot/cold.
  • Quickly understand file data types, top users, top groups, top directories.
  • Perform cost/benefit modeling and capacity planning for tiering and data management.

With Komprise Analysis, you qui gain visibility across storage silos and the cloud to make data-driven decisions. Plan what to migrate, what to tier, and understand the financial impact with an analytics-driven approach to data management and mobility. What if you could significantly reduce your data costs by transparently moving/tiering infrequently used data to less expensive storage? What if you could tier data without disrupting users or applications and feed select data to AI and ML analysis tools to help generate revenue? With Komprise you can know first, move smart, extract value and take control of your unstructured data growth and costs. That’s the power of Intelligent Data Management.

Komprise Analysis is available as a standalone SaaS solution included with Komprise Elastic Data Migration and the full Komprise Intelligent Data Management Platform.


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