Understand Your Data to Better Manage and Store it

Colleges and universities generate, share and store data at incredible rates. Managing that unstructured data to achieve the best experience for students, staff, and faculty is a challenge—and a costly one. Knowing what data you have and how it’s being used is the first step to being able to optimize your data storage and reduce storage, backup and cloud costs—often up to 70%.

Your data is not all the same

Most universities struggle to classify and categorize all the data they’re storing for all their departments, faculty and researchers. As a result, they treat it all the same. They store and replicate everything on high performance, high-cost primary storage systems, instead of using lower-cost alternatives for cold data that’s only infrequently, if ever, accessed. Komprise can change that.

We didn’t know what the data was, who owned it, or when it was last used…With Komprise, we cut our annual spending on our central storage pool from $1.1M to $680K.
Kenneth-David Turner, Northwestern University IT Manager

Top Universities Choose Komprise Intelligent Data Management

Ivy League University’s Enterprise Storage Manager, Steve DeGroat, shares how his team uses Komprise Data Growth Analytics to help departments build data management strategies that mutually benefit departments and the university as a whole. Watch the Video.

Use Cases

Cut Data Replication Costs

Learn how a major university secured their data by putting a DR copy in the cloud.

Read Case Study

Gain Secondary Storage Adoption and Cost Savings

Learn how data usage insight helped departments adopt a primary and secondary storage mix to save costs.

Read Case Study

Key Benefits for Higher Education

Komprise Helps Higher Education and Research Institutions Make Smarter Data Decisions

The ability to categorize your data and make intelligent decisions around its storage, backup, tiering, archiving, and replication helps ensure the most efficient use of all your university’s resources. You stay in control of your data, giving faculty and students uninterrupted access to the data they need—anytime, anywhere.

Komprise offers three key capabilities that completely change the way institutions are able to look at and control their data.

Gain Data Insight with Dynamic Data Analytics

Within 15 minutes of deploying, Komprise Deep Analytics provides a Global File Index unified view of your data across all of your different storage environments to help you build a cohesive storage strategy. With Komprise Intelligent Data Management, you can:

  • Gain understanding of data usage and trends to aid planning
  • Tailor storage policies for the university, each department and user groups
  • Conduct “what-if” policy modeling to see the benefits pre-deployment
Move Data for Storage Efficiency

You set the policies and Komprise Komprise Transparent Move Technology™ seamlessly migrates data without any changes to your user experience, applications, or hot data.

  • Migrate, tier, move data to lower-cost storage alternatives, without disruption
  • Tier and archive data off primary storage, including cloud tiering, to save and cut backup times
  • Ensure users can access moved data just as before
Stay in Control of Your Data

With Storage-Agnostic Data Management, you can index, search, and use your data, whenever you need it, wherever it’s located. Because Komprise always stores files in the format native to the target storage device so they retain their full context, you can:

  • Ensure data doesn’t get locked into any one storage or backup solution
  • Migrate, backup, and reuse data, without having to rehydrate it
  • Always directly access your data wherever it goes

Learn how Komprise can help you take better control of your institution’s unstructured data and save.

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