
Scale-Out Grid

Komprise is a scale-out grid architecture. Traditional approaches to managing data have relied on a centralized architecture – using either a central database to store information, or requiring a primary-replica architecture with a central primary server to manage the system. These approaches do not scale to address the modern scale of data because they have a central bottleneck that limits scaling. A scale-out architecture delivers unprecedented scale because it has no central bottlenecks. Instead, multiple servers work together as a grid without any central database or master and more servers can be added or removed on-demand.

Scale-out grid architectures are harder to build because they need to be designed from the ground up to not only distribute the workload across a set of processes but also need to provide fault-tolerance so if any of the processes fails the overall system is not impaired. Below is a screenshot of the Komprise elastic grid architecture.

Read the Komprise Architecture Overview white paper to learn more.


Learn more about the Komprise architecture.

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