Data Management Glossary
High Performance Storage
What is High Performance Storage?
High performance storage is a type of storage management system designed for moving large files and large amounts of data around a network. High performance storage is especially valuable for moving around large amounts of complex data or unstructured data like large video files across the network.
Used with both direct-connected and network-attached storage, high performance storage supports data transfer rates greater than one gigabyte per second and is designed for enterprises handling large quantities of data – in the petabyte range.
High performance storage supports a variety of methods for accessing and creating data, including FTP, parallel FTP, VFS (Linux), as well as a robust client API with support for parallel I/O.
High performance storage is useful to manage hot or active data, but can be very expensive for cold/inactive data. Since over 60 to 90% of data in an organization is typically inactive/cold within months of creation, this data should be moved off high performance storage to get the best TCO of storage without sacrificing performance.
Is Cold Data Impacting Data Storage Performance?
Unstructured data management policies ensures that data is always stored in the appropriate environment according to its usage, age, value and business priority to maximize data storage performance and data storage costs.
Read: The Need for Policies to Corral Your Unstructured Data