Komprise for VAST Data Use Cases:

VAST Data Migration VAST Data Analytics VAST Tiering, Archive, Copy, VAST Data Management
VAST Data Platform
  • Are you introducing a GPU strategy and need to migrate data?
  • Are you migrating / or copying existing data to GPU clouds in order to train deep learning models?
  • Want to extend VAST Data into deep archive for offline preservation?

Komprise Intelligent Data Management for VAST:
Data Classification. Data Mobility. Lifecycle Management. Data Services.


We’re excited about our partnership with VAST Data, helping customers analyze, migrate and manage massive volumes of unstructured data and optimize their data storage investments.
Paul Malkon, VP Strategic Partnerships, Komprise

Managing Unstructured Data in the AI Age

AI, big data analytics, and digital processes are critical to business strategies today—and these strategies depend on the ability to efficiently leverage unstructured data. Enterprises have three main objectives in managing unstructured data: the ability to control rapidly growing storage and backup costs; the need to comply with industry regulations and data security requirements and finally, the ability to quickly find, sort, and leverage data for AI projects.

Right Data, Right Place, Right Time

With Komprise you’ll always get the right unstructured data to the VAST data platform and ensure you’re achieving maximum value from your VAST data investment.

  • Intelligent Data Movement: Visibility across storage silos for planning smarter VAST data migrations and ongoing data management.
  • Faster, Lower-Risk Data Migrations: Migrate 27x faster with all your permissions and security intact and with checksums on every file.
  • Scalable Performance: The VAST data platform delivers scalable performance and analytics-driven data management and enhanced productivity with Komprise.
  • Transparent Tiering for NFS and SMB: Intelligently tier file data with seamless access for users and apps and flexible data management policies to optimize space and costs.
  • Smart Data Workflows: Build workflows to scan data sets and deliver the right file and object data to AI and analytics services.

Know First. Move Smart. Scale Fast.

Komprise delivers the fastest, simplest, most cost-effective way to find and move petabytes of file and object data into VAST. An analysis-first software solution for data migration and ongoing unstructured data management, with Komprise you’ll always get the right data to the VAST data platform and ensure you’re achieving maximum value from your VAST Data investment.

About VAST Data

VAST Data is the data platform company built for the AI era. As the new standard for enterprise AI infrastructure, organizations trust the VAST Data Platform to serve their most data-intensive computing needs. VAST Data empowers enterprises to unlock the full potential of their data by providing AI infrastructure that is simple, scalable, and architected from the ground up to power deep learning and GPU-accelerated data centers and clouds. Launched in 2019, VAST Data is the fastest growing data infrastructure company in history.

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