Komprise Top 10 Blogs of 2021


Every few months we like to share the blog posts that are the most viewed on the Komprise blog. If there’s a theme here, it’s cloud data storage. IT leaders know that cloud storage is a smart move across many aspects: cost, resilient backups, flexibility, scalability, and a way to leverage many new cloud-based data analytics tools. Yet, there are a lot of variables that go into selecting the best cloud storage platform and the best way to migrate or tier data to the cloud and manage it once there. Many of our most popular blogs touch upon these topics. Thanks for reading. We hope you find this summary useful. And, if you have an idea for a topic or feedback on the blog, please let us know!

1. What you need to know before jumping into the cloud tiering pool.

The cloud tiering approach you pick will not only have major implications on your short, medium, and long-term cost savings of migrating unstructured data to the cloud, it will also impact what overall benefits your organization is able to achieve from your cloud data migration strategy. Read the blog for the full skinny on your options.

2. What is S3 intelligent tiering and how does it work?

AWS S3 is cloud object storage which offers many advantages for enterprise data management, from cost management to scalability and security. But the choices are compounding. There are now seven different storage classes on S3. AWS S3 intelligent tiering automatically moves objects between tiers within the service but there are some drawbacks. The blog lays it all out.

3. Are cloud storage gateways a good choice for cloud data migration?

Cloud storage gateways offer a path to the cloud by moving all data to the cloud and then caching a subset of the cloud data locally. They are helpful in distinct use cases such as backups but aren’t the best choice for migrations. Read why.

4. Pure Storage Partners with Komprise.

Pure Storage is a leading enterprise storage company with several Flash array products. The blog details our expanded partnership to provide Komprise Asynchronous Replication delivering reliable data replication for Pure FlashArray™ file customers.

5. Komprise Expands Support of Cloud NAS Options.

Modern data management requires ongoing flexibility and this post talks about how Komprise added support for Amazon EFS, Amazon FSx for Windows File Server, Azure Files, and third-party cloud NAS solutions.

6. 10 Principles of Komprise Technology.

Who doesn’t like a top-10 list? The first three for Komprise are: Simple, Open and Vendor-Agnostic. Find out the rest! Just for fun, check out some unique top 10 lists here across any subject imaginable.

7. Cloud Storage Problem?

There are some valid risks with cloud storage—for instance, many cloud migrations fail or don’t deliver intended benefits–but there are ample ways to turn those challenges and opportunities. Read this blog to learn why it’s more important to first know your data; properly plan your move; and ensure you’re able to manage data efficiently and effectively across data centers and multi-cloud environments before you go to the cloud.

8. Unstructured Data Management Glossary of Terms.

Data management spans a lot of areas—cloud and on-premise storage technologies, governance, analytics, migration, archiving and standards. To get it straight—what’s zombie data anyway—read the blog which introduces our glossary.

9. Komprise Technical Professional Training and Certification.

All work and no learning nor exchange with peers is a recipe for burn-out. Komprise Technical Professional (KTP) program is an interactive, hands-on training experience and certification on the Komprise solution that includes lively discussions between students on best practices and learnings related to deployment, use cases and more. Read all about it!

10. How to Overcome the Top 3 Cloud Data Migration Challenges.

Oh if it were only as easy as sharing a playlist on Apple Music. But cloud data migrations aren’t and there are many reasons behind that. Yet unlike some projects (such as, planning a family vacation that teenagers will actually enjoy), there is a silver lining to the hard work when you plan well and later reap the benefits of modernizing data management.

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