In early 2022 we were thrilled to participate in the launch of the Azure Storage Migration program which offers Komprise Elastic Data Migration at no cost to migrate data to Azure. Later in the year we turbocharged our data migration solution with the introduction of Hypertransfer, a new way to migrate file and object data 25x faster than other tools. Today we’re announcing a new solution with Azure for intelligent tiering. The partnership with Microsoft to accelerate the migration of file workloads to Azure is delivering great value for our joint customers. Over 100 customers are already migrating petabytes of data to Azure using Komprise through the program.
Karl Rautenstrauch, Azure Storage Principal Product Manager, reviewed the highlights of the program’s first year and looked ahead at 2023:
“The program and partnerships continue. Files and object flow. Risk and man hours decline. Unstructured data from all industries will continue to move to Azure Storage thanks to the Storage Migration Program. It will continue to fuel digital transformation and be used by virtual servers and desktops, containers, analytics, machine learning, and more. Value is unlocked and costs are saved by migrating the right data to the right platform and tiering with confidence.”
Read Karl’s new post on the topic of storage costs: The True Cost of File Storage: Why is File Data Expensive?
Watch my interview with Microsoft’s Vamshidhar Kommineni and Komprise COO Krishna Subramanian to learn more about the program and get started with Komprise for Azure migration.
Exclusive Intelligent Tiering to Azure
Building on the success of this program, today we’re excited to announce the general availability of Komprise Intelligent Tiering for Azure. This new offering is the only Microsoft Azure Marketplace solution that gives customers access to file analysis and data tiering to and within Azure. Customers whose use case is primarily tiering and cost-efficiency can now acquire this without purchasing the full Komprise Intelligent Data Management platform.
Komprise Intelligent Tiering for Azure is a smart way to move to the cloud and manage your data cost-effectively while there so you can continue to leverage cloud for innovation, flexibility and collaboration needs.
Now you can analyze data across any on-premises and cloud storage, see cost models that show the potential cost savings of data tiering to and within Azure and then use Komprise to execute a plan. Azure customers can use Komprise Intelligent Tiering along with Azure File Migration to tier and migrate file and object data. The solution is available now on the Azure Marketplace and is MACC eligible.
There are two use cases for Komprise Intelligent Tiering for Azure:
- Hybrid Cloud Tiering from On-Premises File Storage to the Cloud: Many enterprises already have on-premises file-storage network attached storage (NAS) environments and wish to optimize spend by tiering cold data to the cloud. Komprise Intelligent Tiering for Azure analyzes across any vendor NAS including NetApp, Dell, Windows Server, Pure Storage, Nutanix and others to identify cold data and transparently tier it based on custom policies to the appropriate Azure Blob and Azure File tiers. Read how Lummus Technology is saving roughly 80% on storage and backups annually by using Komprise to correctly identify cold data for tiering to Azure.
- Cloud File Data Lifecycle Management: Most enterprise IT organizations are in the midst of a digital transformation journey and are moving file data workloads to cloud file storage options such as Azure Files and Azure NetApp Files. Cloud file storage is highly performant and desirable for active, hot data but not economic for rarely-used data. By transparently tiering cold files in the cloud to cost-effective Azure Blob tiers, you can save 70% on your storage and backup costs without losing visibility or access to the tiered data from the file system.
Long-Term Value in Azure Cloud
Beyond data storage cost savings, data tiering can help IT organizations generate new value in the cloud by leveraging the many new data services available.
Jurgen Willis, VP of Azure Specialized Workloads and Storage, had this to say about the new solution:
“Every organization in the current environment is looking to do more with less while reducing cost. The rising cost of on-premises storage is a pain point that we are pleased to tackle in collaboration with Komprise. Since Komprise tiers data to Microsoft Azure in native readable format and provides data workflows, customers can cut costs and leverage the full power of Azure services to address AI, big data, security and compliance use cases.”