Data Management for Higher Education: Get to the Cloud Faster

Over the last few years, Komprise has worked with some of the largest higher education institutions to help manage their growing volumes of unstructured data more effectively and save on their overall data storage costs, backup and cloud costs. As we prepare to return to school in the fall, we want to make it even easier to get started with Komprise Intelligent Data Management.

Intelligent Data Management for Higher Education

A common data management scenario we see is summarized well by an IT manager at Northwestern University:

We didn’t know what the data was, who owned it, or when it was last used…now we set policies to move data off to cheaper media. We save ~$330,000 a year.

Examples of Komprise Intelligent Data Management for Higher Education in action:

Major-West-Coast-University-Case-Study-1-231x300Major West Coast university sees that over 60% of the data on their NAS has not been accessed in over a year and calculates that keeping a DR copy in the cloud versus on premises would be 70% less expensive. Read the case study on cutting Data Replication Costs>

A central IT team at an Ivy League school was able to provide each department with analytics on how their data was being used, by whom, and what data was cold. They also provided a cost analysis showing how much the department would save by transparently tiering and archiving cold data with Komprise; each department could set their own specified policies and use them to move and transparently archive their data, without any changes to users or applications. Read the White Paper: Getting Departments to Care About Storage Savings >

A storage administrator at Duquesne University identified, tiered, and archived years of cold data to enable the move to an all-flash array. Data management policies were put in place to meet the unique needs of each department as the IT team accelerates their path to cloud services and infrastructure.

There has been much written about the challenges facing higher education IT organizations over the past 18 months and how accelerated digital transformation is driving the implementation of new business models. When it comes to data storage, institutions typically have a long history of not deleting and properly managing unstructured data. There is a constant struggle to classify and categorize all the data that is being stored for departments, faculty and researchers, and too often they are storing and replicating everything on high performance, high-cost primary storage systems, instead of lower-cost alternatives for cold data that is infrequently (if ever) accessed.

Storage Cost Savings Are Just the Beginning

At Komprise we want to do everything we can to help higher education IT organizations store, backup, tier, archive, and replicate intelligently. We call it “right placing” your data to ensure the most efficient use of all your university’s resources. Komprise Intelligent Data Management ensures you know first, move smart, and stay in control of your data, giving faculty and students uninterrupted access to the data they need—anytime, anywhere.

Why Komprise for Higher Education?

  • Move data to lower-cost storage alternatives, without disruption.
  • Tier and archive data off primary storage to save and cut backup times.
  • Ensure users can access moved data just without disruption.


Please contact us or schedule a demonstration for more information.

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