Getting Departments To Care About Storage Savings

Getting Departments To Care About Storage Savings

How Showback and Simplicity Get the Archiving Buy-in You Need

Many companies are choosing a Storage-as-a-Service (STaaS) approach to centralize IT’s efforts for each department. But convincing department heads to care about storage savings is a tough task without the right tools. Unstructured data management, cloud tiering and archiving are viewed by users as an extraneous hassle and potential disruption that fails to answer “What’s in it for me?”

This white paper explains how to make STaaS successful by telling a compelling data story department heads can’t ignore. This coupled with transparent data archiving techniques that do not change the user experience are critical to successful systematic archiving and significant savings.


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    Download this Intelligent Data Management paper to learn more.

    Learn how using analytics-driven showback can help secure the buy-in needed to archive more data more often. Once they understand their data—how much is cold and how much they could be saving—the conversation quickly changes.


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