It’s Fall: leaves are turning, temps are dropping and enterprise tech announcements are coming at a furious pace. In our monthly roundup of industry news, we focus on unstructured data value, object storage, ransomware and Komprise news.
How to Get More Value from Unstructured Data
There’s a lot of buzz around analytics for unstructured data and how it can unlock value and drive innovation. Tech Republic cites a survey by NewVantage that revealed over half of companies (54.9%) felt that they were behind in areas of data and analytics with up to 43% of data being unutilized. What’s holding these companies back from realizing the value of their data is the silos of storage trapping different data sets on different technologies and in different locations. For example, IoT data may live at the edge in factories while other data sets live at corporate data centers. This makes it difficult to analyze and draw correlations across data sets to generate new intelligence or solve problems.
The article quotes Jeff Fochtman, senior VP of marketing at Seagate: “The need to access unstructured data near its source and move it to a variety of private and public cloud data centers…for different purposes is driving the shift from closed, proprietary and siloed IT architectures to open, hybrid models.”
Rebellion Against the Object Storage Empire
Is there enough room in the market for another object storage platform and do you need more Star Wars references? Cloudflare thinks the answer to both is yes. They have introduced R2 (a play-off of AWS S3 and of course everyone’s favorite droid). Cloudflare’s attack on the object storage market will be to target the thermal exhaust port of AWS S3 by not charging egress fees on R2 storage.
Yes, Ransomware Criminals Want Your Tapes
If you thought tapes were the bullet proof answer to ransomware, this eSecurity planet article is going to cost you some sleep.
Ransomware has evolved from a the quick “smash and grab” attack to intrusions that can potentially own every aspect of your infrastructure—including your backup software and tape libraries.
“It will just take them longer to encrypt the data on tape and hackers will have to write some new code of course, which they do all the time,” the author writes. Even if tape is not compromised the recovery can be so lengthy as to not be viable in a critical event. The final takeaway: don’t rely on any one single technology for protection against a ransomware attack. Kumar Goswami, CEO and co-founder of Komprise, offers some best practices in eWeek on how to protect your data and be ready to respond to an attack.
CIOs Investing in IT for Growth
A positive impact of Covid-19 was the massive investment which organizations were forced to make in IT. This ZDNet article quotes Gartner research that global IT spending will total $4.2 trillion in 2021, an increase of 8.6% from 2020. But CIOs and other tech leaders need to continue to up their game. “Rather than concentrating on infrastructure concerns, the role of CIOs in the post-Covid age will be to help the board take advantage of its new interest in IT and to identify how digital and data can help the organisation grow.” As for infrastructure leaders? They too will need to take on a higher-level perspective—away from implementing technology to enabling ROI and business value from better data management.
Komprise in the News:
Komprise is Klever
I can’t improve on Justin Warren’s blog title so I am re-using it. His blog focuses on the elegant way Komprise tiers and provides transparent access to data by using standard features of modern operating systems – no agents, or proprietary stubs needed!
Deep Dive on Komprise for AWS
Amazon’s Anthony Fiore (Senior Migrations Solutions Architect) wrote a deep dive blog on how Komprise works with AWS to tier, migrate, and replicate unstructured data. He covers the components, architecture, features and benefits such as using immutable S3 object lock to protect against ransomware. This is an excellent blog to share with anyone curious about how Komprise works.
Hybrid Cloud isn’t a Panacea
Komprise President & COO Krishna Subramanian was quoted in this SearchStorage article about hybrid cloud tactics.”[Enterprises] are not just using the cloud as a cheap storage locker. They are trying to transform their hybrid cloud architecture.”
Michael, Caitlyn, and Rob at AWS D.C. Summit
AWS and Komprise Live and in Person!
The Komprise team was live and in person at the AWS D.C. Summit on 9/28 and 29th. AWS and Komprise have a track record of helping U.S. public sector customers with their data management challenges. If you couldn’t attend, this AWS blog gives you the highlights. Hopefully this is just the start of being able to come together again.
Upcoming TechKrunch!
On October 13, our trusty engineers will gather again on a timely topic: how to use Komprise for moving and tiering files to a WORM-Compliant object store target as additional protection against ransomware. Register here for an educational and always-entertaining coffee break.
Komprise-Qumulo Webinar
On October 27, we’ll be teaming up with Qumulo to demonstrate how customers can reduce the challenges of migration from legacy NAS to Qumulo in the cloud. Register here.