It has been a busy few weeks here at Komprise and we are just getting started. With all of the digital events on the radar, we want to make sure you know where you can Konnect with the Komprise team.
Virtual Events
We’re excited to be a Sapphire sponsor of NetApp Insight 2020 on October 26-29. Komprise allows NetApp customers to plan how to leverage the right mix of NetApp technologies to save costs. Find and offload cold data from any NAS and cloud to NetApp StorageGRID object-based storage and cut more than 70% of your costs without affecting user experience. With Komprise, you can quickly and reliably migrate petabytes of data from other NAS and clouds to NetApp storage at a third of the cost and easily move hot NAS data to NetApp ONTAP flash and S3 object data to NetApp StorageGRID. Learn more about Komprise for NetApp.
Visit our virtual booth at the conference and you’ll be automatically entered to win an Oculus Quest 2 All-in-One Advanced VR System. You can also enter to win here.
For webinars, live and online demos, and interactive tech talks be sure to subscribe to our BrightTalk Channel. Our webinars typically introduce new topics, challenges, and market dynamics and we often have partners participate. This week we have a great webinar scheduled with our partner IBM:
How to Cut Spiraling NAS Costs: IBM & Komprise – Data Management for the new era
Bruce Rakowski, Client Technical Specialist, IBM will be discussing this important topic with Krishna Subramanian, our president and COO. You’ll hear how customers are saving over 70% with IBM and Komprise and in the live demonstration we’ll show you a new way to manage your data and save:
- Understand data across your storage silos before making decisions
- Transparently archive cold data seamlessly to IBM Cos
- Migrate data quickly and reliably
- Build data lakes across all storage
- Create low cost, air-gap copy and protect it on IBM Cos
- Access archived data directly—no middleman or rehydration
On October 22 we’ll be hosting a webinar for our European customers, partners and prospects: How to Accelerate Cloud Data Migrations and Cut Cloud Costs
And on November 5, we’ll be focused on our Microsoft Azure migration capabilities: Accelerate Cloud Data Migrations to Azure with Komprise
Be sure to register and join us for these online events.
TechKrunch Demos
Last month we kicked off our TechKruch series, which digs into popular topics that we get asked about regularly by customers, partners, and prospects. These 20-minute sessions consist of a brief topic overview and demo, followed by an interactive Q&A session. This is a great opportunity ask questions and connect with the experts:
- On-Demand: TechKrunch: Using Data Analytics & Modeling
- October 15, 11am PDT: TechKrunch: How to find hot data for migrations
- Nov, 4, 11am PDT: TechKrunch: How to access archived data in the cloud
Check out our Events page for any additional information. We look forward to Konnecting!