Komprise Storage Insights Demonstration

Watch a demonstration of Storage Insights, now available in Komprise Intelligent Data Management 5.0.


Unify Data Management and Storage Management

Introduced with Komprise Intelligent Data Management 5.0, Storage Insights gives administrators the ability to drill down into file shares and object stores across locations and sites, including relevant metrics by department, division or business unit, such as:

  • Which shares have the greatest amount of cold data?
  • Which shares have the highest recent growth in new data?
  • Which shares have the highest recent growth overall?
  • Which file servers have the least free space available?
  • Which shares have tiered the most data?

Storage Insights includes over 25 columns that users can customize and filter to understand the current state of enterprise storage assets across sites. Users can see details on capacity, percentage of modified or new data and can filter by shares, status, data transfer roles, and more. Easily sort your shares and view by largest, most cold data, highest recent modified data, least free space, most and least data archived or tiered by Komprise and more; and dig into specific file servers such as NetApp, Dell EMC Isilon (PowerScale), Pure Storage, AWS, Azure, Windows, etc. to analyze system health and ensure maximum ROI and cost savings.

Learn more about what’s new in the latest release.

Register for the webinar.


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