Transparent Move Technology (TMT)
Leverage the Full Power of the Cloud without Disrupting Users with Komprise TMT
Komprise Transparent Move Technology delivers transparent data tiering and allows you to use any of the compute capabilities of the cloud on your data. Using Komprise TMT, you can take control of rampant data growth with a strategic approach, allowing you to:
- Move data without stubs or agents.
- Minimize impact on users and applications of tiered data.
- Retain full data access from source or target.
- Avoid vendor lock-in to storage devices or to Komprise.
- Eliminate obstruction to hot data and enable faster recall of cold data.
- Get more value from your data by leveraging native cloud capabilities.
- Deliver efficient ransomware protection by using expensive protection on hot data only and storing cold data in immutable S3 storage.
- Dramatically reduce storage costs by reducing backup and DR footprint.

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The patented Komprise Transparent Move Technology (TMT)™ goes beyond storage tiering to analyze, migrate, tier and replicate data across multi-vendor storage and clouds while enabling native use of the data at each layer. This is possible without disrupting users and without vendor lock-in.